Your company’s website offers an incredible opportunity to engage with potential customers. In
fact, it’s often your first point-of-contact with them. That’s why it’s so critical that your website is designed to turn traffic into phone calls, appointments & sales.

But how can you turn your website into a lead machine?

Number of websites lead generation strategies can help you attract and convert your web
traffic. Utilizing tactics like SEO (to increase traffic), content marketing (to engage potential
leads) and email newsletters (to reconnect with your existing customers), businesses can turn
an underperforming website into a major lead generator.

Want to learn how to generate leads online? Here are some secrets, written in this article that
can help you get started.

Tips to turn your website into a high performing machine?

How to make your website to boost your business?

Turn your website design into a High Performing Machine

The aim of a lead generation website is to convert visitors into hot prospects. This can only be achieved if you are attracting visitors who could be benefited from your brand. Your website
should be your most valuable lead generation tool, acting as an information hub for your target
the audience, building trust in your business and compelling interested prospects to get in touch.

Knowing how and where to use keywords throughout your website will define your SEO
performance. Important factors to consider include:

Title tags – These should be unique to every page and include the appropriate target keyword
and technical requirements.

Meta description tags – The highly influential text which appears below your link in search
results. This content is directly linked to conversion performance, determining whether a visitor
will click on your link.

Header content – Insert keywords into attention-grabbing headlines.

Body content – Use longer keywords phrases to answer important questions about your brand.

Your website can be designed to do your sales work for you. To get started, you want to think
through the sales process from your customer’s standpoint. What are the different steps that
the customer progresses through?

On your website, you need to sell a customer more or less the same way you would if you
were selling offline. However, there are some important differences. Most of all, the Internet is
less personal and visitors to your website can be much more fleeting. Your competition is just
one click away, and most prospective customers visit multiple websites.

Think of people visiting your website as your guests, not as prospects. Think in terms of
informing them on your website, not selling to them—and certainly not advertising to them.

Although there are many steps in the sales process you should address on your website, you
do not need a large website. All of this can be done on one page for a small service business.

Takeaways You Can Use

• You don’t need a fancy or large website.

• Your website should look professional, attractive, and friendly.

• You need to be able to take your prospects through each step of the sales process.

The Importance of Credibility & Trust

If you want prospects to follow a call to action you need to gain their trust first. The perception
of trust is built instantaneously and is an instinctive response to the quality of your website.
Visitors want assurance your website can provide the information they need and will leave a website that doesn’t set the right tone.

• Your Contact Number – Make it clear you are available to offer assistance. The most
effective position to display your contact number is in a static or “sticky” header in the top right
of the page for large screens, or on the top masthead for mobile sites.

• Quality Images – Use a high-quality image the prospect can instantly relate to, or which
visually tells a story about your brand. Genuine images provide greater credibility than stock

• Headlines – Compelling headlines explain exactly what your brand can do for the customer.

• Quality Copy – Consider the information which would offer the greatest value to your
customers and influence their decision to find out more. Copy that creates conversions
generates interest in your brand, driving further action.

• Video Content – Video can improve conversion rates by as much as 86%. Video tells a
visual story and can build powerful emotive links between your brand and the audience.

• Testimonials & Reviews – Provide social proof of your success stories to build trust. 92% of
consumers read testimonials and product reviews prior to making a purchase and 88% of
consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

How can you make your website into a high performing machine

1. Build Traffic to Your Website

Blast your website name everywhere you can: in all your advertising, in your social media, on
your business card, on your trucks, and anyplace else. Optimize your website design for
relevant search engine results. Although there are many things you can do to increase your
chances of showing up well in search engine results, the first thing to do is make sure you have
several headlines on your web pages that include the keywords that you are targeting.

2. Have a Compelling Website Design

A lot of visitors to a website will click away within a couple of seconds of landing there. To hold
visitors long enough to seriously consider your website, and hence your company, your “first
impression” should do the following. First, it should look professional and polished. This means
a clean, crisp design that looks attractive. A mix of headlines, text, and at least one image is a
good bet. Second, the website should look friendly. For example, just a lot of small text, even if
it contains great material, is not a good idea. Third, the website needs to look relevant to what
the prospect is looking for.

3. Give 3 Reasons to Buy from You, Including Your “Unique Selling Proposition”

You don’t want to blast your prospects with lots of sales points and loud advertising-type
messages, but you do want to deliver your unique selling proposition. This is the very short,
single message that presents a particularly compelling, succinct, and easy-to-communicate
The reason why customers should choose you rather than your competition. Because this is your
website, not a radio ad, you should consider delivering this in more of an informative tone,
rather than a sales tone.

Beyond your unique selling proposition, you will typically want to focus on a couple of other
reasons why they should do business with you rather than with your competitors. For some
reason, people seem to feel more comfortable when they have at least three reasons to do

Then think of how you can “whisper” these reasons to customers and not shout them. Maybe
you can present them more like an editorial commentary in style. Particularly avoid loud, blaring

4. Overcome Objections

We’ve all been taught from an early age to say “No. No. No.” and to be very careful before
buying anything. Hence, it is human nature to find reasons not to buy something, or reasons
not to buy something today. Sometimes these are great reasons; often they are not.

You should figure out what are the most common reasons that people do not buy a product or
service from you.

5. Offer a Guarantee or Free Return Policy

Among people’s most common objections to buying is they won’t like the product or service
once they see it or use it, or they are afraid it won’t work as promised. These fears are
multiplied when doing business on the Internet. This is why leading e-commerce firms have
incredibly generous return policies.

Conclusion: – In this article, we’ve covered the basics of turning your website into a lead
generation machine. You can increase success using this tip. PHEUNIX overall these tips
included in this article to make your website a high performing machine.